Boldness with Backup

Using psychology and creativity, everything we do is informed by science. That’s how we know our brave choices are going to work; whatever your challenge is as a B2C or B2B business.

90% of the decisions people make are subconscious. So the most effective way to influence how they act is to understand the drivers of their motivation.

HumanValues is a proprietary tool that helps us understand audiences at a deeper level, by unearthing what really informs their attitudes and motivates their actions:
their values.

The power
of values.

Based on the renowned work of psychologists Maslow and Schwarz and over 40 years of data, HumanValues identifies what really drives your audience. This goes beyond the What, Where and How that socio-demographic and attitudinal research offer. It also provides the...

Mapping your audience against 118 values-based attributes, we can understand where they belong within three main archetypes.

The power
of values.

Based on the renowned work of psychologists Maslow and Schwarz and over 40 years of data, HumanValues identifies what really drives your audience. This goes beyond the What, Where and How that socio-demographic and attitudinal research offer. It also provides the...

Human Values

Mapping your audience against 118 values-based attributes, we can understand where they belong within three main archetypes.


the three archetypes we see:

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The Traditionalists

They need to feel safe and belong. Having rules in place and everyone following them is where their sense of safety comes from


The True Consumers

They are driven to achieve external validation and motivated by a hedonistic pursuit of enjoyment. They want to be seen as being successful and are always on the hunt for the next big thing


The Pioneers

They embrace the new and question everything. They think and act on a global level and strive to make the world a better place

What makes
this essential

People’s attitudes (what they believe) and their behaviours (what they do), are both fleeting, they change all the time due to external factors such as what happens in society and culture.

Values, on the other hand, hardly ever change in a person’s lifetime. They’re often subconscious, which means they exist at a deeper level than their stated attitudes and beliefs. Which is why when you’re trying to speak to your audience in a way that truly resonates, understanding their values is the critical ingredient that will make your messages more impactful (and your work more effective).

How it can
work for you


A richer perspective on your audience, which goes beyond the traditional socio-demographical profiles to reveal the hidden motivations behind their actions.


A deeper understanding of your audience, focused on challenging generic and conventional beliefs to reveal real human truths. This will help you decide which aspects of your brand will appeal to your audience, as well as which elements of your sponsorships or partnerships will engage them and how to communicate it all in your marketing.


With strong insights as fuel for bold creative ideas, HumanValues will make your comms work harder and achieve your objectives.

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